A healthy sleeping position

Certain sleeping positions are known to be healthier than others. Besides changing the way lay in bed also played a part gives the body the pain when I wake in the morning.

Most people do not change his sleeping position it has become a habit. But sometimes people feel tired, sick or tired body when waking. One possible cause is the sleeping position that does not fit. Know that a healthy sleeping position for the body.
 Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service said there was some sleeping position:

1. Fetal PositionThat curled like a fetus in the womb position. This position illustrates the tough outside but has a sensitive heart, will usually shy when first meeting someone new but quickly became relaxed.

2. Position Log 
Which lie on the side with both arms straight beside the side. This position is easy to describe someone who is sociable and was part of the crowd, but it's easy to believe with a stranger so easily fooled.

3. Position Yearner
Lying to one side with open arms to the front. This position was depict someone has an open nature, but could be a suspicious and cynical. In addition to the generally slow to take decisions, but never change the decision already made.

4. Outstanding Soldiers 
That is lying with the back or supine with both arms stuck in the side. This position was depict someone who is quiet and calm, not like the noise, can govern themselves and have high standards.

5. Free Waterfall Position
 Which is the body face down with hands around the pillow and head turned to one side. This position was depict people who like to hang out, reckless, brave, does not like criticism or extreme situations.

6. Sea Star Position 
That is lying with his back (supine) with both hands around the pillow. This position was depict someone who is always ready to listen to others, like to offer assistance but did not like being center of attention.

healthy sleep position is the fetal position, because it can keep the tension from the spine so that someone will wake up in the morning with more comfort,meanwhile, the starfish and soldier positions tend to cause people to snore and have a bad night's sleep.

In addition to sleeping position there are also other things that can affect quality of sleep a person, a bed that is used and also the temperature in the bedroom. Because the temperature is too hot or too cold will disturb one's sleep time. Having good quality sleep will greatly affect the productivity of a person.